

Cardiology Care

If you or a loved one have been told that you need to see a heart doctor, you may be experiencing a range of emotions. It can feel intimidating to be introduced to a new care team, and it may feel overwhelming to be evaluated for a heart condition. However, at Saint Joseph Health System (SJHS), our heart care team is a whole lot more than a group of specialized cardiologists. We are providers who are experts at meeting you right where you are at, working with you to determine the best treatment plan that matches your lifestyle, and supporting you every step of the way to reach your heart health goals.

Getting Started with Saint Joseph Health System Cardiology

Welcome to the Saint Joseph Health System cardiology site. We believe that the moment you make your first cardiology appointment with SJHS cardiology, we begin our therapeutic relationship. Whether you are visiting SJHS for routine cardiology care, stroke care, or heart attack care, we will take the time to assess your needs and put you in touch with the resources you need to feel your best.

Symptoms Treated by Our Team

If you are experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, pain in the arms or shoulders, fatigue with exercise, rapid heart rate, irregular heart rate, or swelling in your legs, your symptoms are possibly coming from a heart condition. Your primary physician may refer you to SJHS cardiology to be evaluated for new symptoms or to help you continue addressing existing symptoms. You may also be introduced to us through another department of the hospital, such as the emergency department.

Doctor checking pulse

Conditions Managed by SHJS Cardiology

Saint Joseph Health System has an entire heart team dedicated to your heart health. We provide care for heart diseases, recovering from a heart attack or stroke, and monitoring and diagnosing symptoms of a new or existing heart condition. All of our care programs are guided by the latest in evidence-based medicine, and we customize our treatments based on your personal health history and goals.

Procedures Offered by SJHS Cardiology

When a procedure can help your heart condition, SJHS cardiology is dedicated to making sure you have all your questions answered. We provide comprehensive support before, during, and after your procedural care. We offer state-of-the-art cardiovascular treatments, such as cardiac catheterizations, heart transplants, bypass surgeries, and open heart surgeries. Our decades of experience ensure that you will be in good hands from the first day you set foot in our clinic to the day you walk out of your last cardiac rehab visit.

How to Get in Touch

At SJHS, we want you to feel at ease when making an appointment, searching for new information, or asking a follow-up question. We truly believe that our patients and their loved ones are extensions of our own family. To learn more about making an appointment to evaluate new or existing symptoms of a heart condition, contact us today.