Breast Biopsy

Understanding a breast biopsy

A breast biopsy is done to analyze the breast tissue to determine the cause of the suspicious area found on a mammogram or ultrasound. Biopsy is the only sure way to determine if a mass found is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). 

Breast biopsy may be performed after breast imaging. Abnormalities may be revealed through a mammogram, ultrasound, breast MRI or a clinical breast exam. Unusual changes to the nipple or areola can also be a cause for concern and should be evaluated by your health care professional. 

There are several types of breast biopsies, and all are designed to help determine if cancer is present. Fortunately, most lumps or suspicious areas in the breast turn out to be noncancerous. 

Stereotactic breast biopsy

Stereotactic breast biopsy involves removing tissue while compressing the breast similar to during a mammogram procedure. During a stereotactic breast biopsy at the Paqui and Brian Kelly Comprehensive Breast Center (CBC), the doctor inserts a needle into the breast and then removes tissue samples, which are sent to the lab for analysis. A titanium clip is placed at the site of the biopsy to mark the biopsied area for future imaging. Stereotactic breast biopsy is an outpatient procedure. You should be able to resume normal activities within a day. 

Core needle biopsy

During an ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy, the patient lies down while the doctor holds the ultrasound probe against the breast to direct the needle. Tissue samples are removed and a titanium clip is placed to mark the area. It is an outpatient procedure and you should be able to resume normal activities within a day. 

Paqui and Brian Kelly CBC performs core needle biopsies under stereotactic guidance (mammography) and ultrasound. The center performs cyst aspirations and abscess drainage under ultrasound guidance. MRI biopsies are performed at the MRI Center by our breast radiologists. 

If your biopsy does reveal signs of cancer, you and your doctor will develop a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan to give you the best outcome possible. Throughout the entire process, SJHS nurse navigators will support you every step of the way after a biopsy, even if no cancer is detected. They will provide information, help you make appointments and offer any comforting support you need. 

To schedule a mammogram at the Paqui and Brian Kelly CBC, call 574.797.9185 or schedule online.