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Saint Joseph Health System offers several online tools that make managing your healthcare easier.

Online medical records

The security of your personal information is our top priority. All medical records are protected by federal, state and hospital privacy laws. We believe you should have simple access to your medical information. That’s why Saint Joseph Health System created My Health Records to access your records from Mishawaka and Plymouth Medical Centers and My Care Connection to access your medical records from your Saint Joseph Physician Network (SJPN) provider. 

To obtain a paper copy of your medical records, click here to complete the form. All sections must be completed. Forms can be submitted by mail or by fax. Addresses and fax numbers are located at the top of the form.

Click here for a list of FAQs

Paying your bill

SJHS wants to make paying your bill fast, easy and secure. Go here for more information on how to pay your bill.