This Community Defines Us

Our Sister Maura Brannick, CSC, Health Center provides:

  • $3.5 million in medication assistance each year
  • 18,000 free medical visits annually
  • 1,400 dental visits per year
  • $4.0 million of clinic- and hospital-based services provided to health center patients
  • 13,636 volunteer hours provided by over 50 primary care physicians, dentists, ophthalmologists, and nurse practitioners

Our service to the uninsured in Marshall County provides:

  • Over 2,300 patient visits annually
  • Extensive medication assistance
  • Diabetic patients with services, education, eye exams, and glasses

Our Family Medicine Residency Program offers training and healing:

  • Over 35 residents provide care in the areas of medicine, podiatry, and pharmacy
  • Residents share their training and knowledge by participating in international and domestic health service missions
  • Residents and family medicine physicians utilize the Reach Out and Read Program to provide age-appropriate books to low-income patients and their families

Our Mobile Medical Unit offers medical and mammogram services:

  • 1,200 digital screening mammograms annually
  • Wellness services and education to corporate and community sites
  • Visits to over 20 different sites monthly to provide services

Our Outreach Program offers athletic trainers to eight Michiana-area high schools as a donated service. These nationally certified and state licensed trainers offer care during practices, games, and physical education classes:

  • Early recognition of injuries and immediate treatment to reduce risk of more serious injury or re-injury
  • Referrals to appropriate physicians
  • Rehabilitation for the students
  • Facilitating communication among athletes, coaches, parents, and physicians

Our School Health Ministry oversees the well-being of children:

  • In agreement with Penn-Harris-Madison and School City of Mishawaka, SJRMC provides a nursing paraprofessional in each school who works in conjunction with either a consulting nurse or an on-site registered nurse
  • School health aides and nurses have over 180,000 school health visits annually
  • Aides and nurses assist with wellness services and health fairs
  • SJHS also underwrites the School Health Ministry program of the Catholic Schools Office for the schools in the South Bend area of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend

Saint Joseph's High School

In 2009, SJRMC made a $2.7 million land donation from our previous facility to provide Saint Joseph’s High School with a place to build its new school. This summer, the school broke ground at the location.

The new $35.5 million high school is scheduled to open for the 2012–2013 school year. We’re excited to be a part of this new addition to the downtown South Bend community.