Bariatric Surgery Program

Fitness Center

Many medications, popular diets, exercise routines, gym memberships and age-old advice to “eat less, exercise more” offered hope but haven’t solved the problem. However, one solution has a reliable rate of success and has been scientifically proven: the sleeve gastrectomy.

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Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

Sleeve gastrectomy is a laparoscopic procedure performed through small incisions in the abdomen to remove roughly 2/3 of the stomach. At the end of surgery, your stomach will be approximately the size and shape of a banana resulting in the following effects.

  • Restricts the amounts of food you can eat at a time and become full much quicker in your meal.
  • Hormonal changes by greatly decreasing the hunger hormone, ghrelin, resulting in a powerful reduction in appetite.
  • Another hormone, GLP-1, naturally increases after surgery. GLP-1 helps regulate your blood sugar, helping those with diabetes, and decreases your appetite significantly helping with weight loss.

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

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Expected Results

Dozens of published studies demonstrate that sleeve gastrectomy results in an average of 60 percent excess weight loss. For example, those who have 100 pounds excess body weight are likely to lose 60 pounds in the first nine months after surgery. Some achieve 100 percent excess body weight loss, placing them in the “normal body weight” category. Click here to learn more about life after bariatric surgery from previous patients.

Am I a candidate for sleeve gastrectomy surgery?

  • BMI of 40 or higher
  • BMI of 35 or higher with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea
  • Click here to determine your BMI