Stroke Care

Stroke Care

Strokes kill more than 150,000 American each year and leave many more disabled. They happen when the brain doesn't get enough blood, either because an artery burst or a clot blocked the blood flow. The single most important thing to know about stroke treatment is that time is critical. 

To this end, we have continually invested in technology to ensure that we offer our community the most advanced stroke care in the country. We were the first hospital in the region with a Primary Stroke Unit certified by the Joint Commission, now located at our Mishawaka Medical Center. Achievement of certification signifies compliance with national standards and performance measurement expectations

  • Specially-trained nurses
  • Entire team dedicated to improving outcomes and quality of life
  • Annual re-certification is granted after on-site review by The Joint Commision

Our Code Stroke emergency activation system is in place to ensure that patients who exhibit signs of a stroke get the fastest possible treatment. Click here to learn more about the signs and symptoms of stroke and TIA, and how men and women might experience these symptoms differently.

Now with our telemedicine stroke program, we continue to lead the charge in stroke care. Telemedicine at SJRMC enables our local neurologists to get a second opinion from colleagues at Loyola University Medical Center when decisions about treatment options are most critical. By investing in technologies like telemedicine, we can ensure that no matter when or where a stroke occurs, we’re ready to diagnose and begin treatment quickly.

Recovering from a stroke and regaining independence is a life-changing process. Our Saint Joseph Rehabilitation Institute provides quality an environment conducive to restorative care of adults, and care is provided by a multidisciplinary and specially trained rehabilitation team.