
Sixty million Americans suffer from occasional acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Acid reflux occurs when the valve between the esophagus and stomach does not close completely after swallowing. As a result, stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing heartburn, among other symptoms.

Now, the EsophyX TIF procedure offered through SJHS allows surgeons to lower a scope through the mouth and reinforce that valve. Doctors can see with a camera placed on the scope, and the results can be remarkable.

The advantages for patients include:

  • A safe, fast, and comfortable treatment
  • No incisions and only minimal downtime for the procedure itself
  • Requires only a one-night stay in the hospital and may become an outpatient procedure in the future

Patients are put on a liquid-only diet for several weeks after the EsophyX TIF procedure and return to a normal diet within about two months. This technique helps our patients return to a more normal way of life. Special events and times with friends and family become much more enjoyable when they can enjoy common foods without feeling sick later.

Consult your physician to find out if this procedure may be right for you.